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Welcome to Al-Tajamouat for Catering & Housing Company, Plc. One of the leading companies in the region for Catering & Housing solutions. We pride ourselves for the level of importance we set for the quality of our food and professional service. We have been in the market for enough time to provide the solutions that would ease the investors' operations and leverage their profits.

Board members name:


Abd Haliem Atallah Ja'far Majali

Executive Chairman

Mohamad Ahmad Mohamad Rifai

Vice Chairman of the Board

Hussin Jameel Kteshat


Laith Mohamad Harahsheh


Daoud Naif Skndarani


Tamer Kashoka


Management :

We recruit highly experienced staff starting with the General Manager,
Administration staff, Executive Chefs and the rest of the staff.

The spirit of our management style is based on direct communication,
positive attitude and objectiveness.